Well I guess it's better late than never. Here's our 2012 Disney Marathon Weekend Race Report. This year we did the 5k, Half-Marathon, and Full-Marathon. It was Bethany's 7th Goofy Challenge, Ryan's 2nd Goofy Challenge, and Bethany's parents' 1st 5k ever!!
The 5k was fun, we walked (with some jogging interspersed) with Bethany's parents. We all stayed together and we all had a great time!! Bethany will be running the 5k with her mom during Disney's Princess Half Marathon weekend in February.
The half-marathon was easy and laid-back. Bethany and I ran together, and just kind of enjoyed each other's company. We ended up running something like 2:12, and finished feeling good and strong, ready for the full marathon the following day.
Unfortunately, somehow, Ryan got really sick the night before the marathon. He was up and in the bathroom all night. At 2:30am I ran to the store at the hotel and bought a bottle of Pepto-Bismol and some Pepto tablets. Ryan was feeling like crap and was pretty weak but decided to head to the start of the marathon regardless. Even though he was sick all night, he did NOT appear to be dehydrated so I was comfortable with letting him start the marathon. Ryan did not eat anything for breakfast and during the race all he ate was some Sport Beans and a tiny piece of chocolate. He was drinking water and was staying hydrated. Obviously he had no energy and wasn't feeling too well so we knew it was going to be a slow day. Our pace pretty much just got slower and slower (until mile 24.5 when he turned it on and I was having trouble keeping up with him!!!) We ended up finishing in 5:30:49. It wasn't pretty at all but we got it done!!! I know what it feels like to run a marathon on COMPLETE EMPTY and it sucks! Not easy at all and anything but fun. Overall, Ryan did a great job and is one tough cookie!! Thank you, Pepto-Bismol!!!!!

All four of us before the 5k.
Family Fiesta 5k Start Line. Three Caballeros. ¡Ole!
Ryan during the 5k, with Epcot in the background.
Miss Bethany's first day of facepaint on this vacation. She is a big kid, and her inner child comes out at Disney World.
Ryan after the full-marathon. He had MAJOR stomach issues all night before the race, was up sick in the bathroom, and it took 5 doses of Pepto to get him through to the finish line. Grueling, but we made it.
Feeling a little better after a post-race nap.
Day 2 of Miss Bethany's facepaint, this time at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Ryan with Kermit-style Mickey ears. Ryan LOVES Kermit and the Muppets.
Miss Bethany going ballistic in the arcade. Our favorite silly game was "Go Ballistic." So silly, but we won over 3,000 tickets. :-p
So sad to leave Disney, but Miss Bethany will be back next month for the Princess Half Marathon!