Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend!

We have SO MUCH to be thankful for! Good family, good friends, good food, good health, and good runs. Most of all, we are so thankful for one another and the GREAT runs we have everytime we hit the road together!

We had a BUSY Thanksgiving weekend, starting with a Turkey Trot on Thursday in Seekonk, MA. Miss Bethany ran the 5k (19:48, 4th female overall, 3rd in 20-29 age group), while Ryan ran the 10k (47:25). PRs for both of us!!!!

 Since Miss Bethany did the 5k, she was able to snap some pictures of Ryan finishing the 10k. Here's Ryan chugging down the home stretch! Big PR!

The two of us after the race!

Miss Bethany collecting yet ANOTHER piece of hardware!

Oops, can you tell what this is? (Left a half-eaten Honey Stinger on the windshield.)

Preparation for BLACK FRIDAY! We got up at 4am, braved the crowds, and went shopping! Crazy people out that day!

Miss Bethany's barefoot 0.5 mi run before our trail run with the KRDP on Saturday. Too cold to run barefoot in the winter. Will try again in the spring!

After 17.5 mi on the trails with the KRDP, and a nice fall into a mud puddle at mile 17. Yum!

The closeup.

Again after the trails. (BTW, Miss Bethany does have more than one shirt. Just with the laundry rotation, the blue shirt somehow always ends up on top.)

Miss Bethany ran again on Sunday, in preparation for Goofy's Challenge. Then we also did some major Christmas decorating in the apartment on Sunday night!

And just to clear things up, we did get a ride back to Boston last week after our run to Lexington :-).

So that was OUR Thanksgiving, now how was YOUR Thanksgiving weekend? Hope you all had a great weekend, and are now getting ready for the BEST holiday of all: CHRISTMAS!!!!

Happy feet, all!


Unknown said...

Nice race missy! That's my new goal for a 5k now, I just decided! Loved the muddy legs too, looks like you had so much fun. You two and your blog make me smile from ear to ear, thanks!

Alex Tellez said...

Congrats to you both!

Ryan - those are some bad ass pics brotha. Love the mud-soaked shorts in the rain. All you need is a bleeding cut below the eye =)

Bethany - all that hardware...where do you put those heavy thing?!

Colleen said...

You guys are my heroes! You are both looking really skinny too (go clean eating!!) And Ryan, next time you want to be slathered in mud, go to a spa :)

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Congrats!! Speedy Bethany, WOWZERS!! I ran a 19:30 when I was 19 LOL, oh to have those legs back..

Barefoot running, you are TOUGH!

Marlene is running Goofy too, do you read Marlene's Blog??

I TRIED to to Black Friday, then saw the lines and crowds and went back to bed. WE went back in the afternoon, I can handle it then..

So excited for the next HOLIDAY!!

J said...

Congrats on the PRs! Those are some nice times! Looks like a fun thanksgiving break! I didnt get up this year for Black friday! There wasnt anything I wanted to buy plus a few stores had the same sales on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so I just went then!!

Marlene said...

Congrats to you both on the 5K/10K! Stellar times!

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving.

RYC - completely agree re: TBL.

robinbb said...

Congrats on 2 PR's for you guys. Thanks for stopping by my blog.....I am getting excited for the Goofy challenge, it will be my 3rd year doing the Disney full, but first going Goofy.

Jenn said...

Nice 5K! PR's for both of you! I'm not the 5K lovin' type and I haven't run one since the beginning of my marathon program in July. Sub 20 would be a nice one to hang it up on though!!! Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. See ya in Boston!

Kelly said...

Wow I'm so glad you found my blog! We have a ton in common and I'm so impressed you are running a marathon on your honeymoon! My fiance would definitely kill me if I suggested that haha but it's awesome!

Unknown said...

Thanks for comments you left today...your love and life of running is contagious and your thoughts on running in the cold and snow MOTIVATE me, thanks so much! You are one of a kind!

Janice {Run Far} said...

Hey, I read your post on Denise's blog about Clean eating. If I google it, will it give me the gist of what I need to follow, or is there an awesome book out there I should buy? Just interested in checking it out.

Kelly said...

You won my giveaway! Check out my blog for info!