Friday, February 5, 2010

Exciting News!!!!!

We have three exciting things to share with all of you!
Exciting thing #1, we are up to $20 for our Haiti fundraiser ($40 after its matched), come on people, keep commenting and following us so we can donate more! Thanks to everyone who commented or became a new follower!
Exciting thing #2, last Saturday our track club, The Greater New Bedford Track Club, had its annual awards banquet and Miss Bethany was voted 2009 Female Runner of the Year.
2009 Female and Male Runners of the Year! 

Exciting thing #3, We will be getting a new niece or nephew in August! Wahoo! Miss Bethany's sister is pregnant with baby #2. We can't wait! 

Robby with "Ah-Boo" and "Mr. Ryry."

Here's Mr. Ryry teaching Robby to give the baby a bottle. Robby is 1 year and 8 months. Love this pic! 

Thanks again to everyone who commented or became a new follower.


RunToTheFinish said...

Excitement all around!!

Unknown said...

What a cute little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Fun times! congrats on your award. What a nice trophy

Marci said...

Oh so exciting! Congrats!

Jen said...

Congrats on your award!

robinbb said...

Congrats Congrats!

Unknown said...

WOW, congrats Missy B., you rock and I love the pictures! Have a great weekend!

Emily said...

I just found your blog- it is so cute! And I am SO JEALOUS of that PINK tri bike! Congrats on the award-very awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bethany! That is awesome!

Streaker said...

Congratulations, Bethany. I am sure that it took a lot of hard work to earn that recognition. Very nice trophy.

Michelle said...

Congrats on the award! And, for becoming an aunt for the 2nd time! Awesome!

Colleen said...

Wow, now it's official that you are the greatest runner I know :) congrats!!! And you look great in those pics!

Marlene said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations all around!

Running and living said...

Congrats! IS the club related in any way with the New Bedford 1/2 marathon? I am running it this year. Are you?

Jenn said...

Congrats on the trophy-Superstar!! I just had 3 sisters pregnant at the same time and now have 3 little nieces! Sooo fun!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, you are elevating yourself to Superhero status, I swear! I'll have to come up with a catchy, sassy superhero name for you! Im so proud of you for all of your amazing accomplishments!
<3 Beth